Snake Test Download .doc version of Snake Test All snakes are venomous.* True False All snakes are carnivores.* True False Snakes make good pets.* True False Anything with a mouth can bite.* True False Snakes cannot blink their eyes.* True False Constrictors wrap around their prey.* True False All animals are reptiles.* True False All snakes lay their eggs.* True False Snakes are:* Mammals Birds Reptiles Fish Amphibians Snakes are:* Dry Slimy What are some reasons that people are uncomfortable around snakes?* Because snakes can bite Because snakes look different Because movies and legends portray snakes as evil Because there is so much misinformation about snakes All of the above Snakes are “good” because (choose 3 answers):* They eat rodents, insects, and other animals that bother us. They slither on the ground. They shed their skin. Venom can be used to make medicine to help cancer and heart patients and diabetics. They serve as food for other animals. What should you NOT do if you see a snake?* Stand still Tell an adult Watch what the snake is doing Throw a rock at it or pick it up Leave it alone Reptile skin is covered with:* Hair Feathers Baleen Scales Fur Snakes can’t blink their eyes because:* They have no eyes. They don’t want to blink. They are blind. They need to see. They have no eyelids. Snakes cannot hear because:* They have no ears. They don’t need to hear. They have good vision. All reptiles are deaf. They only have one lung. What does a snake do with its tongue?* Taste Smell Feel See Hear Why is the tongue forked?* To scare people To scare predators To smell in different directions To eat its food To dig holes If you were a snake, what would you do if someone reached down to pick you up?* Try to escape Bite Hiss Strike All of the above NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ