Milk snakes suck milk from cows.
-All snakes are carnivorous (meat eaters). No cow would allow it, and snakes lack the ability to suck.
The following article was written by Fred Tarnaski of Pennsylvania (also known as Fred the Snakeman on Facebook, a name bestowed upon him by children who have attended his snake presentations). Because it contains good information regarding a feared reptile, we have reprinted it here with his kind permission: 1. Rattlesnakes do not lay …
“Snakes are mean!” a seven-year old boy exclaimed when we asked him if he wanted us to remove one of our snakes from its cage so he could have a closer look. “They’re really mean!” “Snakes aren’t mean,” I told the youngster. “They are neither good nor bad, but like most animals, they have a …
“A 15 foot Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake – the largest ever caught on record,” declares the latest e-mail we received forwarded from a friend. In fact, even though the dead rattlesnake pictured appeared taller than the man extending it, further inspection revealed that it was merely an optical illusion created by clever photography. Repeated E-mails This …
Since we don’t subscribe to cable, we rarely see Animal Planet. However, we have been under the impression that this channel promotes educational and factual information regarding the natural world. Recently, however, we watched a program called “Rattlesnake Republic” on Animal Planet while visiting friends. The program portrayed several so-called snake handlers wrestling snakes in …
Milk snakes suck milk from cows.
-All snakes are carnivorous (meat eaters). No cow would allow it, and snakes lack the ability to suck.