“Hey! There’s a rattlesnake out here!” Yeah……..sure, I thought. Having just concluded a reptile presentation for some Yuma 4th graders visiting Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, I knew that they were thinking snake thoughts. And one of our snakes I had shown them could easily be mistaken for a rattlesnake.
What Good are Snakes?
“The best use for a snake is to make belts and boots!” That sentiment closely follows, “The only good snake is a dead snake!” Despite the fear and animosity toward them, snakes have a place and a purpose in the natural world.
Why People Fear Snakes
While walking at Cherry Creek State Park near Denver, Colorado, Chuck saw a man in the distance striking toward the ground with a stick. “He’s trying to kill a snake.” We hurried forward.
Bullsnakes vs Rattlesnakes
Confused about the differences in bullsnakes and rattlesnakes? Bryon Shipley, Denver Zoo keeper and rattlesnake researcher at the Plains Conservation Center in Aurora, Colorado, can help clear up some myths and misconceptions about these two snakes. Read his comments below: