Nature Takes its Course on a Wildlife Refuge

Although we’ve encountered people trespassing a bit beyond “Area Closed” signs on national wildlife refuges, recently we viewed a woman at least a half mile beyond the warning sign.  We spotted this woman as we descended from a hillside after observing and recording wildlife information for the refuge biologist. The chattering of Sandhill Cranes alerted …

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For the Love of Spike

For someone who is afraid of snakes, Kim O’Neill fell in love several years ago with our kingsnake, Spike. “When he puts his nose in the crook of my elbow,” she coos, “he’s so cuddly.” [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] A receptionist in my brother’s dental practice, Kim took to Spike right away, despite her long-time fear of …

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