Last month we picked up a couple young toads as we walked our neighborhood and turned them loose in our condo patio area where they made use of the habitat we’d created for lizards. On occasion, we’ve seen both, but more often we’ve seen just one in a pie plate we’d sunk into the ground and filled with water to serve as a pool.
Enjoying the Pool
Most mornings over the past few weeks, as we sit near this “pool” area with our coffee, “Hoppy” (as we named him) lounges in the water before hopping out to explore the nearby rock pile. Then he disappears among the rocks to rest for the day. But one morning, Hoppy wasn’t there. We feared he had found another home.
As we sat drinking our coffee that morning, Chuck noticed movement by our back gate, several yards from where we sat. Under the gate is a 3-inch gap. As Chuck peered in that direction, he at first thought he spotted a leaf. Several leaves already dotted our patio. But when the “leaf” scrambled a few feet forward, Chuck recognized a toad.

Back to the Pool
The toad stopped and eyed us a few seconds before moving forward again and stopping once more to stare in our direction. A few more movements and the toad was out of our sight before re-emerging behind our chairs and heading for the pie plate “pool.”
“It’s Hoppy!” we exclaimed. Evidently Hoppy had been out of our yard at night hunting for insects. He stayed in the pool for several minutes before climbing out and wandering over to his rock pile. After exploring that area, he disappeared beneath the rocks to sleep off the day.
We don’t know how long before Hoppy settles down for winter. Chuck has created several good habitats for him besides the rock pile. He’s dug an entrance below an inverted clay pot, and he has piled broken pottery pieces in a corner of the wall that could also work well for hibernation.
Finding Home
But for now, we are delighted to know that Hoppy can explore beyond our confines and still find his way home.
Thanks, Carol! Our patio jungle is coming along nicely!
Good to see you back on line. How is your wrist? Is Chuck still running the kitchen?
Your not selling my data are you?
Betty’s wrist continues to improve after her surgery on Monday. The kitchen slave is still limping along with LOTS of supervision!
Great article, Betty! Sounds like a lot of enjoyment being able to watch Hoppy and his daily routines!
Sometimes, it’s the little things that are restful and relaxing to watch! Thanks, Joyce!
What a fabulous story!
That’s life in the desert!! Thanks Carol!
Give Hoppy my best.
I will. He’s a growing boy!
Great story, BETTY….hope your wrist is healing properly 🙏🙏
Thanks, Carol! Hoppywatching is good therapy!